Swimming Pool Operator Resource Guide – Quick Access to Swimming Pool Codes, Standards and Regulations


Chances are, if you’ve got a swimming pool question, the answer exists below. We’ve compiled the most up to date swimming pool codes, standards, regulations and resources from around the country. The links and phone numbers will help you access quick solutions, so be sure to bookmark this page for future reference.


Pool Question? Check your state swimming pool code first.

State Swimming Pool Codes – Your state swimming pool code will offer insight on operational parameters, design and construction guidelines and pool rules, among other things. In many scenarios, your state code offers the most definitive answer to common pool questions. Your local health department is likely tasked with enforcing the code based on their interpretation. They can also be a tremendous resource.

Find your state code here.


National Code – Ever wonder why some states operate with stricter pool ordinances than others? So did the CDC. Swimming pool codes differ significantly from state to state. To solve that problem, they’ve released the Model Aquatic Health Code (or MAHC for short). Many state and local health departments are reviewing the MAHC. Some have begun to adopt portions of the code or amend their current code to look more like the MAHC. The MAHC is a great resource for national best-practices that may not otherwise be defined in your state or local code.

 Click here for a searchable version of the MAHC.  

Department of Justice / ADA – Accessibility requirements enforced by the Department of Justice now apply to your swimming pool. These links can help you become and / or stay compliant.

Requirements for Accessible Pools

ADA Accessibility Q&A

ADA Hotline: 1-800-514-0301

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Although not a regulatory setting agency, the CDC has a number of helpful resources available for pool operators. Many of their standards are nationally accepted best-practices.

Fecal Incident Response Recommendations for Aquatic Staff

Recreational Water Illness Prevention Toolkit

Healthy Swimming Resources (Design, Operation, Policies, Regulation)

Occupational Safety and Health Administration – OSHA is tasked with keeping the workforce safe. These OSHA links help us understand the precautions necessary when dealing with chemical spills and bloodborne pathogen cleanup.

Safety Data Sheet Requirements

Personal Protective Equipment

Bloodborne Pathogen Cleanup

Consumer Product Safety Commission – The CPSC works to protect the public from unreasonable risk of injury and death by reviewing thousands of consumer products. Their Pool Safely website has been set up to identify and reduce risks associated with public and private swimming pools. The site contains numerous resources, publications and materials available for your use.

Consumer Product Safety Commission –  Pool Safely

Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act – The VGB Pool and Spa Safety Act promote the safe usage of public pools, spas, and hot tubs by setting standards that reduce the likelihood of suction entrapment. 

Virginia Graeme Baker  Pool and Spa Safety Act

Lifeguarding Resources – If you’re in charge of the lifeguarding team at your pool, you can find up to date information on local training and recertification programs for your team at the following links.

Red Cross Lifeguarding – Find a Class

Ellis & Associates – Local Lifeguard Training

Still can’t find an answer? Give our office a call at 1-844-482-1777. We’ll know where to look.